

The winter vaccination programme has started. If you are eligible for a free flu vaccine, you will get a letter from NHS Scotland. This will either give you an appointment date and time at one of the flu vaccination clinics in Lothian, or instruct you to make an appointment using an online portal.

If you are eligible for a COVID booster, you may get this at the same time as your flu jab, but this is not guaranteed, and you may have to attend two separate appointments.

You will not get your flu or COVID jabs at your GP practice. Please do not contact the surgery about your flu or COVID jab appointments.

If you have received a letter with an appointment that you are unable to attend, you can rearrange your appointment online at https://www.nhsinform.scot/flu-vaccine/invitations-and-appointments/rearrange-your-flu-vaccine-appointment.  Alternatively you can call the Lothian helpline on 0300 790 6296 for assistance with re-booking.

If you are housebound, your jabs will be given to you by the housebound team, and they will be in touch to arrange this.

If you require further information regarding the vaccine please click on the leaflet link below: 

Flu Vaccine Leaflets
You can find out more on the websites of the Health and Social Care Partnerships or on NHS Inform. Please revisit our website and that of NHSInform for updates - https://www.nhsinform.scot/flu-vaccine

Please do not contact your GP.

child flu

Flu Vaccine for 2-5 not at school

The 2-5 year influenza (flu) vaccination programme has now begun. If your child is aged 2 years of age and above on the 1st September 2021, they will be invited, by letter, to one of the clinics that will be running over the coming weeks across the city. These clinics are being run by the Edinburgh Preschool Vaccination Team.

Please wait for your letter to arrive and if you need to change this appointment, then please contact the number that will be on the letter.

Children attending primary school will be offered vaccination within the school setting.

Further information can be found on
